Lidan Hifi

Building Event-Driven Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS - Lidan Hifi

Dev-Centric Culture at Wix: The Developer's Perspective - Lidan Hifi (Hebrew)

Developing Event-Driven Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS - Lidan Hifi (Hebrew)

Building Event-Driven Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS (Lidan Hifi, Israel)

Building Event-Driven Micro-services with Event Sourcing and CQRS - Lidan Hifi / Wix

VDB17 · Lidan Hifi - Building Event-Driven Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS

6Developing event-driven micro services with event sourcing and CQRS - Lidan Hifi, WIX

The Combinator - Master of Σigma

Austria 2022 Highlights

Italy 2014

Scheme compiler test runner

Radiohead - Karma Police Outro - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Creep - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Reckoner - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Opening + Daydreaming - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - No Surprises - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Idioteque - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Airbag - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Radiohead - Bloom - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

Edwin van Wijk at Dotnetdays 2022

Radiohead - Lotus Flower - Live at Tel Aviv | 19/07/2017

TDD: Cultivating a Beginners Mind - Shai Yallin

Wix Media Platform - Lynne Hurwitz

Event Sourcing and CQRS on Akka - Daniel Klein and Idan Nahum (Hebrew)